Leo Baeck Parents’ Association (LBPA)

A vibrant team of dedicated volunteers

Leo Baeck Parents’ Association (LBPA)

The Leo Baeck Parents’ Association (LBPA) is proud to to enhance the school experience for students. Through creative programming, services, activities and events at the school, the LBPA continues to enrich our LB community, creating a fun and spirited environment for our families to enjoy together. 

The LBPA invites all parents to volunteer and make a difference by joining one of our many committees. Whether it’s one hour or one day, any volunteer time is appreciated.

Jayme Goldfarb and Kyle Gordon, our 2023-2025 LBPA chairs standing outdoors, closely side-by-side and smiling.
Jayme Goldfarb and Kyle Gordon, our 2023-2025 LBPA chairs

Parent volunteer opportunities

The LBPA relies on volunteers to run its programs. We are grateful for any amount of time you can offer; we’ll work with you to find a volunteer opportunity that fits with your schedule. There are even some areas where you could help outside of work hours.

Grade Captain

An opportunity to represent your child's class or grade. Volunteers coordinate special events with grade teachers and share information between parents and teachers throughout the year.

Events Committee

Assist with planning and/or volunteer at school-wide celebrations: Skate Days, Bingo Night, Adult Night, Challah Bake, Passover seder experiences and more.


Help students celebrate Jewish holidays with special treats from the LBPA on Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Tu B’Shevat, Purim, Pesach and Yom Ha’atzmaut.

Book Fair

Help plan, set up and/or volunteer at this incredible school fundraiser in mid-November. There are many ways to assist, from vendor liaising, unpacking, decor sourcing and point-of-sale support.

tikkun olam

Volunteers work on various initiatives to help our community come together and fulfill important mitzvot throughout the year. Events include winter clothing drives for newcomer Israeli families across the GTA, food drives for Hillcrest Community Food Bank, toy drives during Chanukah and packing Mishloach Manot for seniors homes’ residents at Pesach.

challah bake

This adult-only (19+) evening event engages volunteers in organizing catering, coordinating all ingredients and equipment, decor, set-up and packing swag bags. Volunteers also help secure vendors and organize vendor giveaways to be awarded during the Challah Bake. Both the Challah Bake and Marketplace volunteers work to ensure the event runs smoothly.

staff Appreciation

This committee works to show appreciation to the hardworking teachers and staff that enrich the lives of our kids every day. We host 3-4 events a year. Volunteer opportunities include baking, chopping veggies, serving latkes and working the “shuk cart.” At the end of June, we transform the Kimel Family Chapel into a culinary experience and enjoy a sit-down meal all together to show our gratitude.

Lunch Program

Hot lunch is offered five days a week. Volunteers help distribute lunches at school that have been ordered through the hot lunch program. Volunteers arrive at 11:15 a.m. and stay until the end of distribution at 12:45 p.m. Hot lunch requires many volunteers throughout the school year.

If you have any questions, please reach out to lbpa@leobaeck.ca.

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